Asya Traffic, at Finals of KOSGEB Young Enterpreneurs of the Year Awards!

Asya Traffic, at Finals of KOSGEB Young Enterpreneurs of the Year Awards!

For the competition, totally 3.403 SMEs and enterpreneurs are evaluated throughout Turkey. As a result of evaluation, 40 SMEs and enterpreneurs advanced to the finals of “SME Grand”, “Successful SME” and “Successful Enterpreneur” categories.

Asya Traffic who improves it’s ventures with KOSGEB Ankara Ostim Branch’s “SME Supports”, has scored a major success with advancing to the “Young Entrepreneur of the Year” finals. Now, Asya Traffic continues to activities with it’s 4.000 m2 production area and METU Teknocity R&D Office with 50 employees team which is established with 7 employees team at 1200 m2 closed area in 2011. Asya Traffic enhance it’s traffic and road safety product range with 10 trademark registrations and 2 petty patents. In the year 2013, the total turnover 10.000.000 Turkish Liras and %10 was export. And the target turnover for 2014 is 13.000.000 Turkish Liras with %15 as export. Asya Traffic takes part at UR-GE Project and member of OSTIM Renewable Energy and Enviromental Technology

They attend to specific industry exhibitions with international exhibition supports, their Products tested according to standards and certificate their products with test-calibration supports of KOSGEB. And also employment supports expand the number of qualified employee of Asya Traffic, doing exports more than 25 countries.

Mehmet Tezyetis- KOSGEB OSTIM Service Center Manager ( Left),
Mehmet Akif Celik – Asya Traffic General Manager (Right)


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