Intelligent Traffic Management Unit, CENTRIS is an image processing based, Intelligent intersection Control Module, which is an ‘Intelligent Traffic System’ works by making calculations that are based on the crowdedness on the intersection instead of fixed signalization times. The decision produced by the Central Processing Unit, CENTRIS is based on the video image gathered by the cameras (SERIS modules), which in turn gathers values, as vehicle numbers, and average vehicle speeds.
The CENTRIS module will process the gathered data into a decision that is, which side on the intersection should get the green light for the most optimum and efficient intersection management, and least waiting time, for the drivers at the intersection. The CENTRIS module is in fact a piece of hardware that communicates between the Intersection Control Device, and the traffic lights. It tells them what commands to follow, to achieve maximum efficiency at the intersection.
FIXIS uses ‘Cumulative Vehicle Count’ method where service and demand data are collected for every single leg connected to the intersection. FIXIS produces the most efficient signal durations as it uses the service values which show great variation among intersections. FIXIS is produced to determine the optimal signal durations for a signalized intersection. The output of this software is monitored, and its efficiency is tested in the simulation environment. FIXIS can easily be used without the need for long-term training, thanks to its user-friendly interface. All sorts of digital data belonging to the intersection can easily be read, thanks to its graphical interface.
SINGULARIS algorithms of CHAOS System, which enable the management of an intersection totally based on vehicle density, are adapted as an add-on module to the world’s best seller Micro-Simulation tool, VISSIM. The add-on module will be available worldwide with the next release of VISSIM, according to the agreement hold between ISSD and PTV AG, manufacturer of VISSIM and many other simulation tools. Through the SINGULARIS algorithms, CHAOS™ decreases the average vehicle waiting time by up to %42 considering the fixed-time systems.
CHAOS™ is a video image based ‘Integrated Intelligent Intersection Management System’ which aims to control the signalized intersections based on the vehicle density and average vehicle speed for all directions within the intersection. The system decreases the average waiting time of the vehicles at any intersection where it is installed, by more than %30.
CHAOS™ is mainly composed of the following subsystems:
SERIS, vision-based vehicle counting system
CENTRIS, central processing unit
CHAOS™ includes one SERIS subsystem at every single direction of an intersection to obtain the vehicle density and average speed of vehicles for that specific direction. These data are collected from all directions of the intersection and then sent to CENTRIS, the central processing unit, which manages the signalization. CENTRIS produce the decision of which direction to light up green and sends the proper control command to the signal controller. CENTRIS runs SINGULARIS algorithms to produce the decision. CENTRIS is an electronic board with an interface to signal controllers which is available at every intersection. For a 4-way intersection, a standard embodiment of CHAOS™ includes 4 SERIS and 1 CENTRIS subsystems all connected with wireless communication modules.
- Product Code: SN-15-031
- Dimensions: 151 x 145 x 390 mm
- Weight: 2,4 kg
- Case: IP 66 Polycarbon
- Processor: ARM Cortex™ – A8 Processor
- Total Power Consumption: 5 W
- Power Input: 220 V AC
- Environmental Conditions: 20°C ~ +70°C / 30 ~ %90RH