What is EN 50556 Road Traffic Signal System Standard?

What is EN 50556 Road Traffic Signal System Standard?

EN 50556 standard or certificate comes to the mind when it is said intersection controller or traffic signal controller. EN 50556 standard, which replaces the TS HD 638 standard, includes the tests in the scope of EN 12675. So, what is the standard of EN 50556 and what does it include?

This standard includes the development of road traffic signal system, design, tests, maintenance and the rules of this system. This standard constitutes the electrotechnical part of the following two standards issued by CEN:

– EN 12368, Traffic Control Equipment – Signaling Lights

– EN 12675, Traffic Signal Controller – Functional Safety Rules

Each of the above standards should be used with this standard or alone to describe business hardware or system. Electrotechnical methods and experiments described in this standard must be used.

If road traffic signal systems used with other systems such as general lighting or railroad signaling and communication, this standard must comply with other related standards in order to ensure that general safety is not compromised. This standard covers only road traffic signal systems that are permanent or temporarily established. Central office and mobile signaling systems are not in this scope.

Tests carried out within the scope of EN 50556 standard include the following:

• Safety Test

• Vibration Test

• Impact Test

• Protection Test

• Dry Heat Test

• Cold Test

• Wet Heat Test

• Electrical Tests

• Electrical Safety Tests

• Traffic Safety Tests

• Electromagnetic Compatibility Test

In order to take a TSE Certificate to an intersection controller, it is necessary to get positive results from all the above tests. Therefore, we can say that an intersection controller with EN 50556 certificate is safe, comply with the standards, durable and accurate system. The intersection control devices that do not have this document should not be used because they will not comply with the traffic safety regulations and will endanger the driver and pedestrians. Authorities such as highways and municipalities in Turkey strictly require this document.


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