Intersection Controller (IC), also known as Traffic Signal Controller (TSC) is a management board that controls traffic signals (traffic lights) at signalized intersections. It determines the timing and the color of traffic lights. Intersection Controller (IC) takes necessary precautions by considering traffic and road safety while doing this. In Turkey, intersection controllers are operating with 220 V AC. However, in some European countries, these devices may operate with 42 V AC.
It is recommended that the intersection controllers have at least IP 54 protection class as they operate in outdoor conditions.
The following points should be considered when choosing an intersection controller which is the most critical for signalized intersections.
• Intersection controller must have TS EN 50556 or EN 50556 standards and TSE or EN certificates must be valid for intersection controller to be used.
• The choice of signal group number is important in intersection controllers. In general, there are groups in the form of four and multiple. It is recommended that to add one group more to necessary group number in signalized intersection. Because it should be considered that new additions can be made in the future. For example, it is recommended to use 12 signal groups intersection controller where there is 8 signal group is enough in a signalized intersection.
• In order to maintain the safety of traffic engineers and traffic technicians using the intersection controller, high voltage and low voltage parts (electrical part should be separated) should be kept separately on the panel. (Double-cover panel is recommended)
• Additional modules such as I/O card or loop detector are required in order to detect and evaluate demands if there are applications such as pedestrian crossing, tramway crossing, loop detector at intersections.
• Intersection controllers should communicate with the center in case of central system, traffic control center applications. In this situation, communication with the center can be established by GPRS modem or fiber optic cable. Intersection controllers to be used must be compatible with central system communication.
• Intersection controllers should be able to operate without any problems in the scope of applications such as “Intelligent Transportation Systems”, “Intelligent Intersection”, “Dynamic Intersection” which are in “Intelligent Cities” concept one of the most popular topics of today. In this context, intersection controllers should be able to adapt external measurement systems like cameras, sensors and so on.