What is Traffic Signal Light?

What is Traffic Signal Light?

Traffic signal lights are systems that regulate the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, shows the status of stopping or moving to vehicles and pedestrians. Traffic signal lights are also known as traffic lamp, traffic light, intersection lamp, signaling light and so on.
Traffic signal lights are produced according to the international standards in 300 mm, 200 mm or 100 mm diameters as red, yellow and green colors. Traffic signalization can be used as triple, double or single at intersections. LED or Power LED are commonly used as a light source.
Traffic signal is installed on standard pole or overhead signaling poles at intersections.
Traffic signal lights may seem as simple light. However, it is important to pay attention to the following when selecting traffic light:
• First of all, signal lights must be produced in accordance with TS EN 12368 or EN 12368 standards and they must have TSE / EN certificate. Products without certificates may cause serious problems as technical, legally and socially

• The light source of signal light modules (colors) must be LED technology (power LED). Old type halogen bulb, E27 bulb models should not be preferred in terms of power consumption, life span, and maintenance difficulty.

• The power consumption of each signal light modules (colors) must be maximum 8 Watts. There are between 25 and 100 pieces of signal lights are used in signalized intersections. For this reason, power consumption cannot be ignored. Also, it is suggested that power factor should be greater than 0,9 (PF>90%) and harmonic distortion should be less than 20% (THD<20%) in terms of efficiency.

• It is recommended that each module that forms the traffic signal light has at least IP 65 and for all traffic signal lights at least IP 54 protection class is required. In this way, signal lights can be operated for a long time without any problems.

• “Phantom Class” which is a concept in terms of visibility at the sun is very important for traffic signal lights. It is recommended that the phantom class should be at least “class 3” in Turkish conditions. “class 5” is recommended in sunny regions or when the light (red, yellow, green) is not visible as a result of sun reflection.


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